2024 Promise Award recipients celebrated

A Message from the Department of Communications and Community Relations

澳门六合彩平台网站投注 surprised 2024 Promise Award recipients the week of March 25, and we are excited to now announce the honorees.

The Promise Awards program recognizes the exemplary achievements and contributions of staff and volunteers connected to The Bellingham Promise, our district鈥檚 strategic plan. The Promise Awards are supported by the鈥.

The Promise Awards provide an opportunity to highlight the exceptional work of honorees that make a significant difference in our schools and community. These award recipients represent our school system and help increase awareness of the important contributions of all staff and volunteers.

Please note, our Volunteer of the Year and Community Partner of the Year award recognitions will be announced later this month.

In addition to the award feature photos below, .


Above and Beyond Service Award

We have two Above and Beyond Service Award honorees this year.

Kelly Balzer, paraeducator and PTA co-president at Northern Heights Elementary School

L to R: Superintendent Greg Baker, Kelly Balzer, Kelly's partner Renne Archer, 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 Foundation Executive Administrative Assistant Kathy Dooley, Columbia Elementary School paraeducator and union leadership Laura Martinez, and Kelly and Renne's students, Riley and Zachary, pose for a photo in the Northern Heights lunch room.
L to R: Superintendent Greg Baker, Kelly Balzer, Kelly’s partner Renne Archer, 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 Foundation Executive Administrative Assistant Kathy Dooley, Columbia Elementary School paraeducator and BASE President Laura Martinez, and Kelly and Renne’s students, Riley and Zachary, pose for a photo in the Northern Heights lunch room.

Kelly is deeply connected to many services at Northern Heights Elementary School. A nominator shared, 鈥淗er role within our school community is so multi-faceted that it will be hard to summarize all the ways she has positively impacted our school community…鈥.

She is known for greeting each student by name and knowing 10+ fun facts about each and every student. Kelly began working at Northern Heights as an official staff employee during the 2022-23 school year and has been active in the school community for many years via the PTA with two children of her own at the school.

A staff colleague shared, 鈥…Kelly is constantly looking for ways she can bless students, staff and the school. She pops into classes to help students with any spare second she has. Her smiling face is often seen in doorways encouraging both teachers and students, reminding all of us on the difficult days of why we are here and of how wonderful we are…鈥

Further examples of Kelly鈥檚 dedication include coordinating yearbooks, caring for the school garden and securing walkie-talkies to assist with dismissal communication, along with staying late to help with dismissal each day.

A frequent presence during recess time, Kelly鈥檚 unique gifts and above and beyond style are exemplified by the following staff colleague reflection:

鈥淢any kids would tell you that recess is the most important part of the school day, and an important part of supporting the whole child is helping them navigate the social and physical interactions out in this unstructured setting. Kelly is able to hold kids accountable and set high expectations in the warmest of ways. She can help kids laugh off the small things that often feel like big things, she can expertly help kids talk through conflict, and is a great listener for kids needing that time to connect with a caring adult.鈥


Dionte Thomas, campus monitor at Squalicum High School

Dionte Thomas (center in light blue quarter zip with navy blue Squalicum hat) is surrounded by staff and students at Squalicum High School during surprise recognition.
Dionte Thomas (center in light blue quarter zip with navy blue Squalicum hat) is surrounded by staff and students at Squalicum High School during surprise recognition.

Dionte Thomas represents The Bellingham Promise strategies of Great Teaching with Strong Support, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Student, Family and Community Engagement through his tireless efforts to serve the Squalicum High School community.

As a campus monitor, his thoughtfulness听actively works to make the campus safer each day. Dionte constantly works with teachers to ensure classrooms can run smoothly, addresses students’ needs to ensure they can access classes and engages with families so they are informed on what is happening in the building.

He is described by colleagues as irreplaceable, presenting a calm and composed demeanor along with a gift to connect with students who historically struggle in building trusting relationships with adults. Going above and beyond in many ways, he often arrives early and stays late, and has EMT certification to assist with medical situations as well.

Dionte created a system for tardies and truancy and ensures families are in the loop each step of the way. Squalicum leadership regularly hears from families expressing gratefulness for this extra communication which helps maximize the time students are in school.

A staff member shared, 鈥淒ionte is in some of our toughest conversations at SQHS, and he always asks students to think about their actions, share their perspectives, and consider other perspectives. With each of these conversations, Dionte builds trust and we can see students make different choices that better support their learning.鈥

Collaboration Award

Anna Burns and Alexa Tucker, sixth grade teaching team at Shuksan Middle School

L to R: Shuksan Principal Alli Chryst, Alexa Tucker, Anna Burns, Shuksan Assistant Principal Elizabeth Churape Garcia and Superintendent Greg Baker pose for a photo during surprise recognition in classroom.
L to R: Shuksan Principal Alli Chryst, Alexa Tucker, Anna Burns, Shuksan Assistant Principal Elizabeth Churape Garcia and Superintendent Greg Baker pose for a photo during surprise recognition in classroom.

Anna Burns and Alexa Tucker personify The Bellingham Promise through exemplary collaboration as a co-teaching team over the last four years at Shuksan Middle School.

Anna managed the sixth-grade Special Education caseload at Shuksan while Alexa teaches sixth-grade core and AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) classes.

The team is commended for ensuring all students are loved, seen and given intentional, rigorous opportunities to engage in learning.

During a typical morning core class, the pair teach in a classroom that includes seven students with IEPs (individualized learning plans), five students identifying as Highly Capable, six who receive multi-language support services, and others who require additional behavior and emotional interventions.

The pair build a sense of wonder and inquiry the moment students walk through the door and focus on building up individuals from every demographic and level of challenge or strength. As a result, it furthers a sense of belonging and purpose for students.

Anna and Alexa, unprompted, built a document outlining resources that have supported their co-teaching journey because of the value they place on their collaboration and desire to share with interested colleagues beginning co-teaching journeys.

A colleague shared, 鈥…their approach to collaboration comes with wide open arms, students at the center, and an inclusive mindset that involves all stakeholders coming around what is best for all kids.鈥

Compassion and Service Award

Joe Wooding, social studies teacher, AVID teacher and instructional coach at Options High School

L to R: Superintendent Greg Baker, Options teacher Emily Mizen-Davis, Joe Wooding, Options Assistant Principal Kevin Terpstra, Options Principal Katie Jones and Options teacher Leslie Adamson pose for a photo in classroom during surprise recognition.
L to R: Superintendent Greg Baker, Options teacher Emily Mizen-Davis, Joe Wooding, Options Assistant Principal Kevin Terpstra, Options Principal Katie Jones and Options teacher Leslie Adamson pose for a photo in classroom during surprise recognition.

Joe Wooding exemplifies compassion and service to students, staff and families at Options High School through passion, positivity and a seemingly endless supply of energy that inspires those around him.

He is considered a leader among peers and highly respected by students and staff alike.

Joe recognizes the best outcomes occur when students and staff feel connected to one another and he strives to create community both within and outside the school. He is known for taking students to clean up parks, volunteer at schools, tour local businesses, and more. He worked with a community partner to develop a program that brought business leaders into his classroom to meet with students for listening sessions.

Joe鈥檚 heart for service is clear in all he does, especially as he collaborates with students to identify and cultivate their gifts. This results in life-changing opportunities for his students.

Renowned for his dynamic and introspective teaching style, Joe is commended for tackling difficult themes and fostering courageous conversations. He is described as an 鈥渆lectrical system鈥 and source of connectivity that furthers connections between district, administration, teachers, staff, students and more.

A colleague shared, 鈥…he has an insatiable curiosity about all things and this is infectious. He is our renaissance man. He challenges our students to not just 鈥榙o the thing鈥 but to think at high levels and to examine different perspectives other than their own.鈥

Great Teaching Award

Ruwani Brohier, fifth grade teacher at Cordata Elementary School

L to R: A fifth grade Cordata student, Cordata Elementary School Principal Craig Baldwin, Ruwani Brohier and Superintendent Greg Baker in classroom after surprise recognition.
L to R: A fifth grade Cordata student, Cordata Elementary School Principal Craig Baldwin, Ruwani Brohier and Superintendent Greg Baker in classroom after surprise recognition.

Ruwani Brohier is revered for her ability to balance warmth and expectation for her students, resulting in calm and highly-productive learning environments that have changed trajectories for fifth grade students preparing for middle school.

Many students who have entered her class disengaged have shown amazing growth as the year has progressed. A colleague remarked, 鈥淚 have never seen a classroom function more like 鈥榟ow you think a classroom should look鈥 than in Ruwani Brohier鈥檚 classroom.鈥

The growth her classes have shown via assessments and other measures speaks volumes about her strong teaching, which occurs amongst a palpable warmth felt when walking into her classroom.

Ruwani arrived to Cordata with years of experience and skills spent teaching听in another state, yet continually seeks opportunities to collaborate with others and deepen her expertise as a teacher at Cordata 鈥 all for the benefit of the students she serves.

Her classroom is described as a safe and loving place for all students. Half of Ruwani鈥檚 class this year are multilingual learners representing five different languages other than English.

A staff member said, 鈥淚t has been magical watching how she has created a calm and highly-productive learning environment in her classroom each of the past two years. The relationships she builds with her students are grounded in love, respect and very high expectations. This combination has led to unbelievable gap-closing growth for all of her students across content areas.鈥

One Schoolhouse Award

Russ Robinson, safety and security supervisor for 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 and high school athletics coach

Russ Robinson (front left with white hooded sweatshirt) is surrounded by school district staff and law enforcement community partners after surprise recognition.
Russ Robinson (front left with white hooded sweatshirt) is surrounded by school district staff and law enforcement community partners after surprise recognition.

Russ Robinson embodies the One Schoolhouse value of The Bellingham Promise as a reliable and compassionate presence throughout the district.

He is a collaborator, educator and supporter of all schools and is regarded for his ability to work with strategies that are approachable, age appropriate and strike the ideal balance between school operation and student safety.

Russ exudes a collaborative strength in connecting multiple agencies in service to students. As a result, 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 has continued to build strong community partner relationships and further the effectiveness of the school safety structure for our school environments.

A colleague shared, 鈥淗e serves as a pillar of support in our most intense times, and he leads with compassion, calmness, humor and expertise that help our schools feel connected as One Schoolhouse.鈥

Russ is a welcome face and feeling of relief for those who call upon him, and he is known as a master of restorative conversations with the ability to teach positive student behavior. Russ exhibits a special gift connecting with students to bring the best of them, understand them and work together for the best outcomes.

Others remark how he somehow manages to be in all places at all times as a common face at sporting events, school board meetings and district events. Campus monitors value his leadership to foster collaboration and support their school communities. Beyond his safety and security duties, he also serves students as a longtime coach of multiple sports in the district.

Outstanding Leadership Award

Teri Herda, principal at Silver Beach Elementary School

L to R: Teri's father Jim, Teri's mother Mary, Teri Herda, husband and staff member John Herda and daughter Lizzy Herda during assembly at Silver Beach Elementary School.
L to R: Teri’s father Jim, Teri’s mother Mary, Teri Herda, husband and staff member John Herda and daughter Lizzy Herda during assembly at Silver Beach Elementary School.


Teri Herda is recognized as a visionary leader with unparalleled effort and care for her school community, using student-centered decision making to lead as principal at Silver Beach Elementary School.

She draws on a breadth of nearly 40 years of classroom and administrative experience, expertise and wisdom to serve Silver Beach Elementary and 澳门六合彩平台网站投注.

The Silver Beach staff shared, 鈥淭eri鈥檚 ability to relate to us not only as teachers but as humans is one of her greatest gifts in being a leader.鈥

Possessing a wealth of information about each child鈥檚 strengths and needs, she is able to provide exceptional support to students and families. She is a constant presence to great children in the morning, in the hallways during the day and at dismissal.

No task is too small for Teri, who provides hands-on support to every child and member of the staff. Her leadership strikes the ideal balance between high expectations while being incredibly thoughtful and caring.

A staff member remarked, 鈥淭eri is one of the best leaders I have worked for in my 30-year career. She gets 鈥榠t鈥 when it comes to this profession. I love that she taught for 30 years before becoming an administrator…she has this 鈥渨ay鈥 of making you want to be better.鈥


Volunteer of the Year

Naaman Hinton, volunteer at school locations districtwide

Naaman Hinton (center left with trophy in hand) poses with Sunnyland kindergarten class, school and district leadership
Naaman Hinton (center left with trophy in hand) poses with Sunnyland kindergarten class, school and district leadership


Naaman is a bright light and beacon of positive positivity for all the students and staff with whom he interacts.

He exemplifies a One Schoolhouse spirit by volunteering weekly at 15+ school locations spanning the elementary, middle and high school levels.

A nominator shared, 鈥…For Naaman to volunteer at the multitude of places which he supports, there is a ton of labor involved in planning that as well! Naaman coordinates with caregivers, plans transportation, navigates hurdles of real-world happenings, and orchestrates many schedules to be able to independently arrive at and give his whole heart to the many places where he spreads love and kindness.鈥

Naaman routinely spreads joy, care, fun and important lessons by being himself and sharing his infectious spirit of positivity.

One such way his positivity has translated into school cultures is through the development of gratitude boards at several schools. Nominators also expressed love for his kindness cards shared with those he meets and the smiley-face apparel he often sports.

Another nominator said, 鈥…What truly sets Naaman apart is the genuine joy that he brings to his volunteer work, radiating positivity and uplifting everyone around him.鈥

He is a fierce advocate for inclusion and is an assistant coach for unified sports. Naaman has provided support for students who use wheelchairs for mobility, working to normalize the mode of transportation with other students.

With grace and humility, he inspires others and teaches that with perseverance and a growth mindset, everything is possible.

We have two Community Partner of the Year honorees this year.

Community Partner of the Year

Children of the Setting Sun Productions, Indigenous-led and -centered nonprofit

L to R: CSSP Chief Executive Officer Darrell Hillaire and 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 Superintendent Greg Baker
L to R: CSSP Chief Executive Officer Darrell Hillaire and 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 Superintendent Greg Baker


Children of the Setting Sun Productions (CSSP) has been an invaluable partner in supporting the implementation in 澳门六合彩平台网站投注.

CSSP has enhanced the school district鈥檚 relationship with Coast Salish leaders and has accelerated the pace and quality of our implementation of Washington state鈥檚 Tribal Sovereignty curriculum.

Key strategies of the Bellingham Promise include great teaching with strong support; equity, diversity and inclusion; and student, family and community engagement. CSSP personifies these strategies in many ways.

Examples include hosting Since Time Immemorial family and community nights as well as documenting and supporting Coast Salish artist and guest educations in our schools.

, CSSP was described as follows:

鈥… Sharing oral histories, gatherings and events through film, podcasts, live events 鈥 and soon a digital library 鈥 Children of the Setting Sun defies the traditional categories of a 鈥榤edia鈥 group. The cadre of Coast Salish youth, Indigenous artists and creators from across the region and beyond are guided in the projects they pursue by a sounding board of local elders and others.鈥

澳门六合彩平台网站投注 staff appreciate the way CSSP shares content and provides feedback and resources to enrich teaching and lesson plans.

The nonprofit has also hosted the Treaty Day Film Festival, a treasured experience for 4th, 7th and 11th graders in 澳门六合彩平台网站投注. More than 2,000 students were able to attend this school year.

As a result of CSSP efforts through educational programming and partnership, students are demonstrating a fuller understanding of Native cultures, histories and peoples.

Compass Health, local healthcare partner

Compass Health staff and school staff pose for a photo together at Options High School
Compass Health staff and school staff pose for a photo together at Options High School


Compass Health鈥檚 commitment to serving 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 is an inspiration, with widespread impact.

For close to a decade, Compass Health has been providing mental health services to our schools with flexibility and love. Compass Health鈥檚 services are eligible for students who identify as low income.

During the school year alone, Compass Health has served nearly 300 students 鈥 which is around 1 in every 36 students. The organization works at 15 schools and programs, with another four served through the clinic.

This partnership allows school counselors to refer families to onsite, mental health professionals, increasing collaboration between school and therapist, and reducing barriers to care such as transportation and appointment scheduling.

This model also destigmatizes mental health services by integrating them into the school day and has been shown to increase student attendance.

One parent remarked in the nomination, 鈥…my daughter loves her compass clinician. If I had a therapist as good as this person with I was young, I wonder how much different my life would have been now.鈥

A 澳门六合彩平台网站投注 staff member added, 鈥…Compass Health鈥檚 ability to come to where students are has enabled students to access mental health services in situations where the barriers to care otherwise could have been insurmountable.鈥



These award recipients represent our school system and help increase awareness of the important contributions of all staff and volunteers. Members of the Promise Awards Advisory Group score nominations for districtwide awards using a rubric based on The Bellingham Promise. (Outstanding Leadership Award and One Schoolhouse Award are reviewed and selected separately by leadership colleagues.)

We receive many nominations of amazing staff and volunteers across our school system each year. Recipients represent highlights of so many amazing individuals and teams across our school system.

Families, staff and students are encouraged to nominate impactful individuals and/or teams when the nomination window opens each February, and repeat nominations of non-recipients are encouraged as we welcome an increasing number of nominations each year.