We want to engage our students, families and community members in visioning and planning, decision-making, communication, activities and events. This results in a better educational experience for all of our local children. This is a fundamental belief represented in The Bellingham Promise, the strategic plan that our community built together.
Learn more about Family Engagement: Reporting Student Progress.
We safely transport more than 3,500 students to and from school buildings throughout the district.
School Meals
Food Services employs professionals dedicated to providing excellence in all phases of child nutrition program operations. Low cost, nutritious meals are served to more than 6,000 students every day through breakfasts and lunches offered in all 澳门六合彩平台网站投注. Food Services has received four USDA Regional Excellence awards for its lunch programs and the Washington Food Policy Action Center Golden Milk Carton Award for its breakfast program.
Safety Reporting and Tip Line
Students, parents or community members who have information, tips, or concerns regarding a safety issue in our schools are encouraged to text or call 844-310-9560 or visit聽bellinghamschools.org/safe for confidential, anonymous, two-way communication with our safety staff.
Thank you for your support with school safety.
En Espanol:
Linea de aviso anonimo para la seguridad de estudiantes:听844-310-9560
Ayude a mantener a nuestra escuela a salvo. Avisen posible amenazas o algo que pueda hacer da帽o a alguien. Pueden dejar un mensaje sin dar su nombre.